To ensure you’re receiving the most up-to-date and accurate information, please choose the correct agency from the homepage. The DHEC website is no longer being updated and will be permanently unavailable Dec. 31, 2024.
This webpage is no longer maintained. It may be useful as background information or to provide a historical perspective on a topic or project.
For questions concerning DHEC's involvement with this site, please contact:
Carol Crooks
State Remediation Section
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) 2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 898-0810
For questions concerning DHEC's community outreach efforts at this site, please contact:
Donna Moye
Public Participation Coordinator
Bureau of Land and Waste Management
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) 2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 898-1382
For questions concerning EPA's ongoing cleanup at this site, please contact:
Matthew Huyser
EPA On-Scene Coordinator
ERRPB, U.S. EPA Region 4 61 Forsyth Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 562-8934
For questions concerning EPA's community outreach efforts at this site, please contact:
Stephanie Yvette Brown
Public Affairs Specialist / Community Involvement Coordinator
Investigation and Community Involvement Section
Enforcement & Community Engagement Branch
Superfund Division, U.S. EPA Region 4 61 Forsyth Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone (toll-free): 1-877-718-3752