The Typical SRF Process
Step 1: Submitting a Project Questionnaire (PQ)
The applicant (sponsor) must submit a CWSRF Project Questionnaire (for wastewater projects) or a DWSRF Project Questionnaire (for drinking water projects) to To be sure your project is fundable, you may want to contact us before submitting a PQ.
Step 2: SRF Publishes Intended Use Plans (IUPs)
All eligible projects will be ranked in accordance with the Integrated Priority Ranking System and placed on the State's Comprehensive Priority List. Every year, DHEC will develop IUPs that identify projects that are ready to proceed and expected to receive loans for the upcoming fiscal year (July 1- June 30).
Step 3: Preliminary Engineering Report & Environmental Review
The next step in the permitting process is submittal of a PER. Regardless of permitting requirements, all projects in which SRF is funding construction, must submit a PER. Please refer to either the DWSRF PER Guidance Document or the CWSRF PER Guidance Document. As part of the
Step 4: Plans and Specifications
Once the PER has received approval, plans and specifications and, in many cases, a construction permit application must be submitted. After the project has been reviewed and all requirements have been met, a construction permit or letter of approval will be issued for the project.
Once plans and specs have been finalized, the sponsor should work with the Rural Infrastructure Authority on completing the loan application.
Step 5: Bidding
Once you are ready to advertise for bids, please refer to our guidance documents:
- Guide to Bidding and Award of Construction Contracts - Equivalency
- Guide to Bidding and Award of Construction Contracts - General
- Other methods of bidding guidance documents can be found on our Guidance page.
Step 6: Construction
Once you are ready to begin construction, there are several things to keep in mind:
- SRF Staff must attend the preconstruction conference. This allows staff to share important information on managing an SRF project.
- Federal requirements will apply to the project. Refer to the following guides for more detailed information:
- The Construction Contracts Guidance Package provides information on the preconstruction conference and disbursement information.
Step 7: Disbursement of Funds
Disbursements will only be made against incurred, actual eligible costs of the project, not to exceed the amount specified for each cost category prescribed in the Project Budget (found in the Loan Assistance Agreement.)
To be sure everything runs smoothly, please refer to the following contacts:
Email for any general questions related to the SRF process.
Trish Comp (803) 737-3808
Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) contact for any financial questions related to SRF process.
Mark Noble (803) 898-3821
Any questions related to SRF draw requests for Principal Forgiveness.