To ensure you’re receiving the most up-to-date and accurate information, please choose the correct agency from the homepage. The DHEC website is no longer being updated and will be permanently unavailable Dec. 31, 2024.
Hurricane Idalia Recovery and Requirements
After a hurricane, DHEC’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management team assesses damage to beachfront structures within the state's jurisdiction so that these issues can be resolved as quickly as possible. Coastal residents should report damage to beachfront structures, including homes, pools, seawalls, revetments, and dune walkovers, at MyCoast SC Storm Witness Program. This is an online portal the agency uses to collect and analyze pictures and data about coastal events. Submitted reports can help DHEC efficiently analyze post-storm beachfront structures and expedite permitting and other regulatory decisions.
Post-Storm Recovery
Permitting priorities for DHEC OCRM after Hurricane Idalia will focus on repair and maintenance of existing structures impacted by the event. Depending on the severity of damage to our coastal communities, issuance of permits for non-essential alteration to the critical areas may experience processing delays. We appreciate your patience during this time. Structures located within the state's critical area jurisdictions that were impacted by Hurricane Idalia may require various authorizations by DHEC OCRM prior to repair or reconstruction.
Emergency Authorizations
DHEC OCRM is closely monitoring impacts from Hurricane Idalia on coastal communities. Depending on the severity of impacts, DHEC may issue various emergency authorizations on a statewide, local/countywide, or case-by-case basis.
DHEC may issue emergency orders to local government to allow property owners to conduct emergency actions to provide temporary protection to structures from wave uprush. Emergency orders may also be issued for returning sand to the beach and/or for marine debris removal from the critical area(s). The public should report waterway debris, including vessels and structures to their local emergency management officials at the county or municipal level.
Based on impacts, DHEC will determine the need for emergency authorizations for reconstruction or repair of coastal structures (e.g. private/joint use docks, bulkheads, community docks, marinas) in the tidelands Critical Areas and will provide additional information detailing areas that may qualify for coverage.
Updates on the availability of emergency authorizations and how to apply for coverage will be provided following the passage of Hurricane Idalia. Please continue to monitor this website for additional information.