Call to Order – 10:00 a.m., Board Room (#3420)
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
2600 Bull Street, Columbia, S.C.
Minutes of October 8, 2020 meeting
Agency Affairs
Administrative and Consent Orders issued by Healthcare Quality
Administrative and Consent Orders issued by Environmental Affairs
Placement of Oliceridine in Schedule II for Controlled Substances
Public Hearing and Request for Final Approval, Proposed Amendment of Regulation 61-56, Onsite Wastewater Systems; Proposed Repeal of Regulation 61-55, Septic Tank Site Evaluation Fees; Proposed Repeal of Regulation 61-56.1, License to Construct or Clean Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems and Self-Contained Toilets; and Proposed Repeal of Regulation 61-56.2, Licensing of Onsite Wastewater Systems Master Contractors, Document No. 4979
Public Hearing and Request for Final Approval, Proposed Amendment of Regulation 61-79, Hazardous Waste Management Regulations, Document No. 4976, Exempt from General Assembly Review
Public Hearing and Request for Final Approval, Proposed Amendment of Regulation 61-79, Hazardous Waste Management Regulations, Document No. 4975
Public Hearing and Request for Final Approval, Proposed Amendment of Regulation 61-75, Standards for Licensing Day Care Facilities for Adults, Document No. 4977
Public Hearing and Request for Final Approval, Proposed Amendment of Regulation 61-24,
Licensed Midwives, Document No. 497
Executive Session (if needed)
Note: The next scheduled meeting is December 10, 2020. In an effort to practice social distancing, the proceedings will be open and available to the public only via Livestream at the following link:
How-To Participate in Public Hearings
November 12, 2020
During South Carolina's COVID-19 response, DHEC, as the state’s public health agency, must make the health and safety of our employees and community members a priority. DHEC remains committed to continuation of business.
All Time Allotted for Public Hearing Comments has Concluded