Food Security Council Meeting - Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023


Thursday, September 28, 2023
9:00 a.m.


Event Details

Food Security Council Virtual Meeting

September 28th 2023

9:00 - 9:10 I. Welcome
II. Definition of Food Security
Dr. Edward Simmer
9:10 - 9:25 III. Clemson Extension, Rural Health and Nutrition Weatherly Thomas and Michelle Altman
9:30 - 10:00 V. SC Food Policy Council Allisa Duncan, Vice Chair
10:00 - 10:15 VI. SC State Nutrition Action Coalition Kate Gerweck
10:15 - 10:30 VII. Proviso 1.68 (Student Meals)
VIII. Next steps

1.68. (SDE: Student Meals)

For the current fiscal year, all school districts shall identify students in poverty according to the provisions in Proviso 1.3 of this act and increase access to free school meals for these students. School districts shall use the criteria to directly certify pupils eligible for free and reduced-price school meals to the extent permitted under federal law.

The local board of trustees of a district in which all schools are eligible to receive the free federal reimbursement rate for all reimbursable school breakfasts and lunches served, pursuant to the Community Eligibility Provision in Section 1759(a) of Title 42 of the United States Code, shall adopt a resolution indicating participation. If a district is unable to participate, the local board of trustees shall adopt a resolution stating that it is unable to participate in CEP and demonstrate the reasons why.

The resolution shall be published on a public meeting agenda concurrently with the proposed district budget as an action item and shall be approved by a majority of the board. School districts shall ensure that the parents or guardians of students eligible for free and reduced lunch receive the necessary applications and instructions and upon request are provided with assistance in completing the paperwork.

Schools shall not publicly identify a student who is unable to pay for a meal for any reason. Communications from the district regarding any meal debt owed must only be directed to the parent or guardian and may be sent home through the student.

To Attend Virtually

In an effort to accommodate as many people as possible, the proceedings will be open and available to the public only via the Microsoft Teams link below:

Microsoft Teams Meeting
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