SRS F-Area Tank Farm Industrial Wastewater Closure Module Virtual Public Meeting


Wednesday, April 14, 2021
6:30 PM


Event Details

A virtual public meeting will be held on April 14, 2021 at 6:30 pm. Representatives from the Savannah River Site (SRS) and DHEC will be available to summarize the F-Area Diversion Boxes 5 and 6 Closure Module and answer questions from meeting attendees.

The purpose of the public meeting is to provide any additional information helpful to understand the F-Area Diversion Boxes 5 and 6 Closure Module and to allow the public a comment opportunity. This event will be held using an online platform and interested persons can join or participate remotely using a phone or computer. Due to COVID-19 guidelines restricting in-person meetings effective at the time of this notice, the public meeting is being held via online platform to allow public involvement in DHEC’s review and approval process while following local, state, and federal guidelines for social distancing and avoiding large group gatherings.  

Anyone planning to participate in the public meeting should visit the webpage and complete the registration form prior to the public meeting date. Everyone who completes the registration form will be provided instructions on how to join the public meeting.

If you are unable to access the webpage, or have questions about participating, please call (803) 898-1339 no later than 3 days prior to the event. Information on how to access the virtual meeting will be sent out on the day of the meeting to all who have registered to participate in the meeting.