Efforts to improve school environments to support healthy eating and active living
School-based programs to increase physical activity is one of 14 evidence-based, community-wide interventions identified to change the context and improve health and well-being in as few as five years.
-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Impact in 5 Years
“Elementary or middle schools that added additional physical activity to the school day resulted in a benefit to cost ratio of $33:$1.”
– Washington State Institute for Public Policy
Local Wellness Policie s
- S.C. Department of Education Local Wellness Policies- The S.C. Department of Education Office of Health and Nutrition leads the Local Wellness Policy State Technical Assistance Team which provides assistance to school districts on local wellness policies.
- SC School Boards Association Model District Wellness Policy (ADF)
Open Community Use
- Breaking Physical Activity Barriers through Open Community Use Playbook - The Breaking Physical Activity Barriers through Open Community Use Playbook provides a detailed guide for communities to use to promote the open community use of school recreational areas.
Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools
- Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools Year One
- Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools Year Two
- Partnerships for Active Children in Elementary Schools Year Three
School Health Partners
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation- Founded by the American Heart Association and Clinton Foundation, Alliance for a Healthier Generation is a collaborative change-maker working to create a nation where children thrive. We collaborate with and empower people and leaders to transform the environments that can make a difference in a child's health: homes, schools, doctor's offices and communities.
- SpringBoard to Active Schools supports state departments of health and education to promote active school environments in school districts and schools across the country. Grounded in the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, an active school environment (also known as a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program) is a multi-component approach by which school districts and schools use all opportunities for students to be physically active. This includes:
SC FitnessGram
SC FitnessGram is a statewide movement to evaluate and improve the health-related fitness among public school students in South Carolina. Participating schools annually collect fitness data of students in grades 2, 5, 8 and high school. The findings from this initiative are used to support programs and policies at the state, community and school levels to improve student health from head to heart.
Learn more about the SC FitnessGram movement.