DHEC Reopens Most Shellfish Beds at Official Sunrise Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022
Oct. 1, 2022
COLUMBIA, S.C. – The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) will reopen most shellfish harvesting beds beginning at official sunrise Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022, the agency announced today.
"The majority of shellfish harvesting areas will reopen at official sunrise on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022. However, due to excessive rainfall totals due to Hurricane Ian, the following shellfish management areas will remain closed until water quality data indicate that bacteria levels are once again suitable for the harvesting of shellfish,” said Mike Marshall, Manager of DHEC's Shellfish Sanitation Section. "The following shellfish management areas will remain closed:
- Shellfish Management Area 04 – Murrells Inlet in Georgetown County,
- Shellfish Management Area 05 – North Inlet and Winyah Bay in Georgetown County,
- Shellfish Management Area 10A – Folly Beach, Sol Legare Island, and Morris Island in Charleston County, and
- Shellfish Management Area 11 – Seabrook Island, Kiawah Island, and the Stono River in Charleston County.”
For more information on shellfish harvesting in your area, please visit our website at scdhec.gov/shellfish or contact your local DHEC Environmental Affairs Office in Myrtle Beach, Charleston, or Beaufort.