Bureau of Healthcare Quality Reporting Requirements & Time Frames
Nursing Home Regulatory Requirements
CMS' State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix PP, including nursing home guidance on Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation, can be accessed here.
Reporting Timeframe
2 HR
Abuse of any kind is to be reported within 2 hours by the facility.
“If the events that cause the suspicion—(A) result in serious bodily injury, the individual shall report the suspicion immediately, but not later than 2 hours after forming the suspicion;” SSA Section 1150B
24 HR
“24 hours- if the alleged violation does not involve abuse and does not result in serious bodily injury.” SOM Appendix PP
"If the events that cause the suspicion - B) do not result in serious bodily injury, the individual shall report the suspicion not later than 24 hours after forming the suspicion." SSA Section 1150B
All facility allegations are to be investigated and reported to Certification within 5 working days of the initial 2hr or 24hr report to Certification.
Please check the appropriate box on the form to indicate the type of report you are submitting (i.e. 2-hour or 24-hour) See contact numbers below for report submission.
If the 2-hour or 24-hour report was phoned in, please note he date and time that is was phoned in and to whom on the Five Day Follow-up Report.
Contact info for DHEC's Bureau of Healthcare Quality:
During business hours: 803-545-4205
After hours voice mail: 803-545-4281
Fax: 803-545-4292
South Carolina Omnibus Adult Protection Act, S.C. Code Section 43-35-5 et seq., prescribes the system of adult protection in South Carolina, clarifies roles and responsibilities of agencies involved in the system, and clarifies reporting procedures for allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation
In addition, state regulations (R.61-17) and federal regulations (42 CFR 483.12) indicate to contact your local law enforcement and Ombudsman offices for any questions regarding what and when to report to their agencies.
Click here to view and download Certification Reporting Requirement Timeframes