Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) Video Approval Process
South Carolina State Law, Section 44-37-50 requires that the Department of Health and Environmental Control must approve the video to be utilized by a hospital for providing education on Shaken Baby Syndrome to parents of newborns. If a hospital requests the Department to review a video, the following steps will be taken:
- The hospital will submit a copy of the desired video to
- The Department will refer to the SBS Advisory group:
- DHEC Nurse Consultant (MCH Bureau)
- DHEC Medical Consultant (pediatric)
- March of Dimes representative
- DHEC Public Health Outreach Manager
- The SBS Advisory group will review the video for content based on the criteria established by the Medical Advisory group at the time legislation was created (see criteria below)
- The hospital will be notified of the decision within 10 business days of the receipt of the video.
- If the video is denied, the hospital can appeal the decision to the MCH Bureau Director.
Criteria for SC Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) Video:
- Shaken Baby Syndrome must be properly defined.
- Signs and symptoms of SBS must be presented.
- There must be an explanation on normal "crying behavior" in infants.
- Prevention techniques must be outlined.
- The video must be culturally diverse in presentation, preferably representative of the population in South Carolina.
- The video must be offered in English and Spanish.
- The video must be designed to educate a wide variety of audiences.
- The video must be approximately 10 minutes or less in length.
For questions, please contact or the Bureau of Maternal & Child Health at 803-898-0871.