This page contains links to all of the Death Index log files from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control's Division of Vital Records.
Death Index Numeric Codes
The information below relates to the numeric code provided on these Death Indexes for sex and race:
- 1 - Male
- 2 - Female
- 3 - White
- 4 - Non-White
You will note that the age listed for a decedent is a three-digit code. The last two digits of the code indicate the number of years, months, days, hours, or number of years over 100 years old. The first digit of the age code determines if the age of the decedent was years, months, days, hours, over 100 years old, or less than one hour old as follows:
- 5 - Years of age at time of death
- 6 - Months of age at time of death
- 7 - Days of age at time of death
- 8 - Hours of age at time of death
- 9 - over 100 years of age at time of death
- 800 - Less than one hour old at time of death
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1915 - 1924
- No names listed - Azell, Alexander
- B - Black, Francis
- Black, Gabriel - Brown, Amelia
- Brown, Amelia - Bythewood, Semtema
- C - Clyburn, Irene
- Clyburn, Isey - Czahorowski, Henry
- D - Dyson, W
- E, Dovie - Ezzell, Nevada
- F - Fyroll, Isiah
- G - Goodwin, Gabe
- Goodwin, Gearline - Gypsi, Slla
- H - Heyward, George
- Heyward, George - Hyrne, E
- Iamundo, Michael - Izzard, William
- J - Johnson, Hattie
- Johnson, Hattie - Jutzler, Jacqualy
- K - Kyzer, Wesley
- L, Adilie - Lyttles, Silvia
- M - McDougal, Esther
- McDougal, John - Mitchell, Lorine
- Mitchell, Lottie - Myron, Fredrick
- N - Nyers, Sandy
- O - Ozmint, Louis
- P, A - Pyrovolikos, Philip
- Quale, Mary - Quvael, Anderson
- R - Robinson, Solomon
- Robinson Jr, Solomon - Ryons, Idell
- S - Sims, Georgana
- Sims, George - Starnes Jr, James
- Starnes, James - Szupenski, Marie
- T - Tyson, Wiley
- U - Utsey, William
- V, Annie - Vurpillot, Cecile
- W - White, Lee
- White, Lee - Wingate, Maston
- Wingate, Matie - Wyte, Lizzie
- Y, Fannie - Yown, Sarah
- Z, Dallas - Zwingmann, George
1925 - 1934
- No Name - Aytes, John
- B - Blocker, Anderson
- Blocker, Anna - Brown Rev, J
- Brown, J - Bytherwood, Daniel
- C - Colclough Jr, Marion
- Colclough, Marvin - Cyrus, Venson
- D - Dywer, Lomey
- E, Albert - Ezzard, Steven
- F - Fykes, Edward
- G - Gowan, J
- Gowan , James - Gyton, Genia
- H - Herring, Eliza
- Herring, Eliza - Hyrne, Otto
- I, Frank - Izzard, Susan
- J - Jones, Charlie
- Jones, Clarce - Jyles, Della
- K - Kyzer, Woodrow
- L - Lytus, Charles
- M - Mcgraw, Edd
- Mcgraw, Elizabeth - Moore, Liston
- Moore, Liza - Mzers, Lenna
- N, Elwire - Nyler
- O, Beulah - Ozmint, Melvin
- P - Pyoss, Rachil
- Q, H - Qury, Betty
- R - Rueben, Jannie
- Ruff - Ryttenberry, Abe
- S - Singleton, Victory
- Singleton, Vinie - Stogner, Leila
- Stogner, Louise - Sysell, Moses
- T - Tyson, Susan
- Uhl, Willeam - Utten, Odelle
- V - Vurcon, Sarah
- W - Wiggins, Nancy
- Wiggins, Ophelia - Wyse, Marilla
- Y, M - Yown, John
- Zacharakis, Vasillio - Zwingmann, Meta
1935 - 1944
- No Name - Azer, William
- B - Bookhart, Bernice
- Bookhart, Bobby - Bryant, Earnest
- Bryant, Edith - Bythewood, James
- C, Amanda - Collier, P
- Collier, Rutherford - Czerw, Joseph
- D - Dyson, Willie
- E, Alvey - Ezelle, Katie
- F - Fyree, Wilson
- G - Grainger, William
- Grainger, Whitty - Gypson, Watson
- H, Lilly - Hill, Hattie
- Hill, Hattie - Hyrne, Edmond
- Iasrael, Fannie - Izzard Jr, Whitey
- J - Jyles, Marrie
- K Jr, Cal - Kyzer, William
- L - Lytle, Willie
- M - Mchoney, William
- Mchorge, James - Morris, Josephine
- Morris Sr, John - Myses, James
- N, Pauline - Nyles, Adell
- Oakes, Archer - Ozmint, J
- P - Pyos, Sam
- Quaker, Abraham - Quirollo, Catherine
- R - Ryttenberg, Pauline
- S - Small
- Small - Szychulski, Walter
- T - Tzinieris, Felix
- Udell, Elizabeth - Utzman, Charles
- V, Rachel - Voyles, Ruby
- W, Daisey - Wilder Jr, Primus
- Wilder, Raymond - Wyssman, Victor
- Xepapas, Peter
- Y, L - Yukes, Margaret
- Zacharias, Elizabeth - Zwingman, Marie
1945 - 1949
- No name - Ayscue, J
- Babb, Betty - Byson, Maggie
- C, Rachel - Cyrus, Sammie
- Dabadie, Joseph - Dziekan, Ervin
- E, Lois - Ezzell, Brennie
- Faber, Dannatte - Fyall, Ruth
- G, Louis - Gyton, Senora
- Haas - Hyrne, Pauline
- Iamundo, Agostino - Izzard, Ransome
- Jabey, James - Jyles, Katie
- K, Walter - Kyzer, Rebecca
- Labarbera, Dominick - Lytton, Sarah
- M, John - Myrick, Robert
- Nabers, Lawrence - Nylen, Luule
- Oakes, Electus - Ozenberger, Sonja
- Pace, Addie - Pyles, Deford
- Quale, Henry - Qurry, Isreal
- Rabb, Cornelia - Ryttenberg, Lucile
- Sabb - Szymborski, Edmund
- Taber, Eva - Tysor, Lula
- Udell, John - Utsey, Wade
- Vacilopolous, Nick - Vroome, Elmer
- Wactor, Aline - Wysong, Lula
- Yalledy, Henry - Yow, Lawrence
- Zachry, Cathy - Zurcher
The data for 1950 and later has been put into digital format. (Note: currently only the data for 1950-1961 is available in this format.)
You can browse through the names by selecting a letter below:
Unknown A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
For additional information, contact Vital Records.