Application Fee Schedule - Wastewater Construction Permits

Application Fee Schedule - Wastewater Construction Permits

Regulation 61-30, Environmental Protection Fees, requires that applications for wastewater construction permits include a fee based on the type of project. A check for the applicable amount must be included with the application package. The fee schedule in the regulation is summarized below:

Collection systems (including interceptors and pump stations)

  • Delegated Review (domestic collection systems and industrial collection/pretreatment systems)

    All Delegated Reviews


  • Non-delegated review (based on sewer length)

    1,000 feet or less


    1,001 feet through 9,999


    10,000 feet or more [or pump station(s) included]


(Note: Fee exempted for individual residential pump stations)

Treatment systems

  • Facilities > 1.0 MGD





    Modification (no expansion)


  • Facilities < 1.0 MGD





    Modification (no expansion)


Pretreatment systems

  • Simple systems, such as one-component systems (e.g., oil/water separators, air strippers, pH controls, etc.)


    Complex systems (such as Multi-Component systems)


