Data to Care FAQ

  • What is Data to Care?
    • Data to care (DTC) is a public health strategy that uses HIV data to identify individuals diagnosed with HIV who are not in care, link them to care, and support the HIV Care Continuum. In South Carolina, DTC is referred to as Targeting Re-engagement In Care Efficiently (TRICE).
  • Who qualifies for Data to Care Services?
    • A person qualifies for DTC services if they have not seen a HIV medical provider for 9 months or more, for the purpose of receiving CD4 and Viral Load labs.
  • What is a CD4 or Viral Load?
    • A CD4 is a white blood cell that fight infection. The more you have, the better. These are the cells that the HIV kills. When the CD4 count drops below 200 due to advanced HIV disease, a person is diagnosed with AIDS.
    • A Viral Load describes the amount of HIV in your blood. The more HIV there is in your blood, the higher your viral load. This results in your CD4 cell count falling, which could increase your chances of becoming sick due to HIV.
  • Who will contact persons Not in Care (NIC)?
    • The Data to Care Program has Regional Services Coordinators (RSCs) across the state. RSCs are in place to assist persons with linkage and re-engaging into HIV medical care and assisting with any behavioral or social services. RSCs will first attempt to contact persons by phone and letter. A home visit will only occur if the previous attempts failed.
  • What services are offered through the Data to Care Program?
    • The DTC Program offers linkage and re-engagement services to People Living with HIV in South Carolina. RSCs provide support services to ensure a seamless transition to long term HIV medical care. Referrals are made to HIV medical providers throughout the regions.
  • What agencies are participating in Data to Care Program?
    • DHEC has partnerships with various HIV providers across the state. To learn more about the providers, call the STD/HIV Hotline at 1-800-322-AIDS (2437) or your previous HIV medical provider.
  • How fast will I receive treatment services?
    • Treatment services depend on your assessment and readiness to link to care. DHEC's goal is to ensure a seamless and rapid transition into HIV medical services, while reducing barriers to care (transportation, social support, housing, drug abuse).
  • Will DHEC use my information for reporting or publication purposes?
    • No, your identifiable information is strictly confidential and will not be shared. However, DHEC does produce reports but removes any identifiable information. This means that no one will know about your personal information.


Health HIV & STDs Infectious Diseases