Emissions Inventory Data - Electronic Reporting User Agreement

Specific Title V facilities were notified that they are required to report their emission inventory data electronically using Web-Steps, DHEC's Bureau of Air Quality Web-based application.

To use Web-Steps, these facilities must fill out and return one or both of the electronic user agreements below. Each agreement must contain original signatures and be sent to the attention of the manager of the Emission Inventory Section. Please be sure to enter the proper year on the form. Where it says 20__, you should enter the appropriate year of the Emissions Inventory for which you are requesting Web-Steps access, NOT the current year it is being submitted.

Once DHEC receives the agreement(s) and verifies the information, user IDs and passwords will be issued to the facility's representative(s).

The two user agreements are:

Section Contacts

Chad Wilbanks - Section Manager (803)898-4106

