Enviva - Community Engagement

Public Hearing

DHEC held a Public Meeting to discuss the draft air synthetic minor construction permit on August 20, 2020 at 6:30 pm. A recording of the public meeting and information provided at the meeting can be found below. 

During the public hearing, DHEC staff provided a brief summary of the draft permit and accepted oral comments to be considered prior to making a final decision. DHEC staff does not respond to comments or answer questions during a public hearing.

All comments received by the end of the notice period were considered when making a decision to approve the draft permit. This decision was based upon consideration of applicable regulations, the permit application, comments made at the public hearing and all other written comments received within the required time frame, and any other pertinent information. A transcript of the formal hearing was also reviewed before the permit decision was made. 


  • To report possible excess emissions or wood debris found on your personal property, contact the DHEC Regional Office in Greenwood at (864) 227-5915. DHEC follows up on every complaint by visiting the facility and investigating possible causes for excess emissions.
  • For information about community engagement, contact Monica Taylor at taylormn@dhec.sc.gov or (803) 898-7678.
  • For technical information about the draft air permit, contact Jo Anna Cunningham at (803) 898-4123.
  • To request other documents not included on this webpage, please contact the Freedom of Information Office at foi@dhec.sc.gov or (803) 898-3882.