Update - October 25, 2023
DHEC has received a permit application for an increase in the annual tonnage rate of waste accepted at the Greenpointe Class 2 Landfill. If approved, this proposal would allow the landfill to accept more waste in a given year, but would not increase the existing footprint or final volume of waste the landfill is currently permitted to accept. As required by South Carolina's solid waste regulations, the landfill operator published a public notice of the proposed increase to their annual disposal rate in the Anderson Independent Mail newspaper on August 31, 2023.
DHEC placed a draft permit for the proposed increase to the annual disposal rate on public notice on October 25, 2023 and began accepting comments for a 30-day period. The public notice was published in the Anderson Independent Mail newspaper. Please click here to submit comments or to request a public hearing. All comments and requests for a public hearing are required to be submitted by November 24, 2023.
For questions or additional information, please contact DHEC's project manager for the site, Tim Eleazer, at (803) 898-1374, or by email at eleazetm@dhec.sc.gov.
Solid Waste Operations
A Class 2 Landfill is generally referred to as a construction and demolition debris landfill as the following items are allowed to be disposed in it: asphalt, concrete, lumber, cardboard, shingles, glass, land-clearing debris, etc. Class 2 Landfills are not required to have a liner system.
Landfill Determination Process
Phase 1
Phase 1 of the permitting process is referred to as the landfill determinations process. Through the landfill determinations process, DHEC approves the location of the landfill and its maximum allowable footprint. DHEC determines whether the application is consistent with the Demonstration of Need Regulation (R.61-107.17), the County and State Solid Waste Management Plans, and applicable buffers. The applicant is also required to submit a letter showing that the project is consistent with local zoning and land use ordinances. The following is a timeline for Phase 1 of the permitting process:
August 15, 2017 – Wasteco, Inc. submitted an initial request to expand their Class 2 landfill. This submittal began Phase 1 of the permitting process.
September 25, 2017 – Wasteco, Inc. placed public notices of the proposed expansion in the Anderson Observer newspaper. Wasteco, Inc. also sent notification letters by certified mail to all adjacent property owners of the proposed expansion at the landfill.
December 6, 2017 – DHEC placed its Draft Determinations of need and consistency for the proposed expansion on public notice for a 30-day comment period. The public notice was published in The Greenville News newspaper and letters were mailed to all adjacent landowners.
January 18, 2018 – DHEC issued its Final Decision regarding the determinations of need and consistency for the proposed expansion. Notice of the Final Decision was published in The Greenville News and letters were sent to everyone who submitted comments in response to the notice of draft determinations.
Phase 2
Phase 2 is the technical review of the project. In Phase 2, the applicant submits a technical application that details how they plan to meet the location, operational, and design requirements found in the landfill regulation (R.61-107.19, Part IV). The main design requirements for a Class 2 Landfill are that the landfill maintain at least 2 feet of separation to groundwater after settlement of the landfill and that the facility has a stormwater system that can handle the flow from a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. Class 2 Landfills are also required to provide a groundwater monitoring well network. The monitoring well network is sampled twice a year and the reports are submitted to and reviewed by DHEC. The following is a timeline associated with Phase 2 of the permitting process:
October 14, 2019 – Alliance Consulting Engineers, on behalf of Wasteco, Inc., submitted a technical application for the proposed expansion of the Class 2 Landfill.
December 4, 2019 – The applicant placed a public notice of the proposed expansion in The Anderson Independent Mail newspaper.
November 12, 2020 – DHEC places a draft permit for the proposed expansion on public notice for a 30-day comment period. The public notice was published in The Anderson Independent Mail newspaper and mailed to all adjacent landowners and others who had requested to be notified.
Documents used in Phase 2 of DHEC’s permitting process are available below:
- Permit Application
- Supplemental Info – June 29, 2020
- Supplemental Info – August 27, 2020
- Public Notice of Application
- Solid Waste Regulation 61-107.19
- Draft Permit
- Public Meeting Notice
- Approved Seep Mitigation Plan
Additional resources:
- Greenpointe Class 2 Landfill Public Meeting Presentation - February 18, 2021
- Greenpointe Class 2 Landfill Public Meeting Recording - February 18, 2021
Questions about the proposed expansion or DHEC’s solid waste permitting process may be directed to:
Justin Koon
Phone: (803) 898-1339
Email: koonjt@dhec.sc.gov