Update - October 25, 2023
DHEC has received a permit application for an increase in the annual tonnage rate of waste accepted at the Greenpointe Class 2 Landfill. If approved, this proposal would allow the landfill to accept more waste in a given year, but would not increase the existing footprint or final volume of waste the landfill is currently permitted to accept. As required by South Carolina's solid waste regulations, the landfill operator published a public notice of the proposed increase to their annual disposal rate in the Anderson Independent Mail newspaper on August 31, 2023.
DHEC placed a draft permit for the proposed increase to the annual disposal rate on public notice on October 25, 2023 and began accepting comments for a 30-day period. The public notice was published in the Anderson Independent Mail newspaper. Please click here to submit comments or to request a public hearing. All comments and requests for a public hearing are required to be submitted by November 24, 2023.
For questions or additional information, please contact DHEC's project manager for the site, Tim Eleazer, at (803) 898-1374, or by email at eleazetm@dhec.sc.gov.
- Greenpointe Demonstration of Need Worksheet Tonnage Increase
Wasteco, Inc. operates a solid waste management facility at 500 Hamlin Road in Easley, SC. The site includes a Class 2 landfill that was originally permitted to operate in July of 2008. The facility also has approval to recycle construction and demolition debris. Typically they stockpile concrete and asphalt that they receive. They then crush/grind it for reuse or sale.
Wasteco, Inc. is seeking to expand its Greenpointe Class 2 Landfill and has submitted a technical application to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). The review of the technical application is the second, and final, phase of DHEC’s permitting process.
Community Update
DHEC is responsible for investigating environmental complaints, including odor complaints, when they occur. Unusual or abnormal odors could be an indication of a change in operating practices or equipment malfunction and should be reported to DHEC. All complaints are prioritized and investigated based on the health and safety of citizens.
DHEC is actively involved in investigating odor issues from local residents concerning the Greenpointe Landfill. As part of the investigation process, these concerns are being addressed with the landfill operator. Anyone wishing to file a complaint with DHEC concerning the Greenpointe Landfill should submit an email to GreenpointeLF@dhec.sc.gov with as much detailed and specific information as possible, including:
- date and time the issue was observed, and if it is actively occurring,
- address where the issue was observed,
- photos depicting the issue, if available,
- a detailed description of the issue,
- and your contact info if you would like follow-up after the incident has been investigated.
It is important to note that any personal information submitted to DHEC in a complaint may be subject to public scrutiny or release in accordance with state and federal laws and requirements.
Local government and other state agencies maintain oversight and enforcement of some issues brought to DHEC’s attention. DHEC has compiled the following contact information to assist residents when determining where to submit a complaint or concern.
Litter and Solid Waste Management |
Greg Smith, |
(864) 260-1001 | gdsmith@andersoncountysc.org |
Anderson County Noise Ordinance | Alesia Hunter Anderson County Planning and Zoning Director |
(864) 260-4774 | ahunter@andersoncountysc.org |
Road Conditions | Matt Hogan Anderson County Roads and Bridges Manager |
(864) 260-4190 | wmhogan@andersoncountysc.org |
Number of Trucks on Roads | Kevin McLaughlin SC Department of Transportation, District 2 Administrator |
(864) 227-6971 | https://www.scdot.org/inside/countyOffices.aspx |
Truck Weight/Unsafe Conditions | SC State Transport Police | (803) 896-5500 | |
Truck Speed | SC Highway Patrol | (864) 260-2200 |