The proposed project consists of a total of 0.37 acres of excavation impacts to tidelands critical areas on a property on Point Farm Road, Wadmalaw Island, SC and is being evaluated under an individual critical area permit application. The applicant, Point Farm MB, LLC, is proposing to impact these critical areas in order perform the activities necessary to enhance and restore former tidal salt marshes. Specifically, the proposed enhancement activities consist of removing a berm and constructing a tidal channel to connect to the existing tidal stream bed restoring a 17.36-acre jurisdictional saltwater pond to tidal saltmarsh for 0.14 acres of critical area impacts. The proposed restoration activities consist of removing a berm and constructing a tidal channel in order to restore 10.14 acres of jurisdictional freshwater and brackish water impoundments to tidal saltmarsh for 0.23 acres of critical area impacts. This project is being reviewed for critical area impacts pursuant to the Coastal Tidelands and Wetlands Act and the Critical Area Permitting Regulations and Policies within the South Carolina Coastal Zone Management Plan.
After careful consideration of all comments and information received from concerned citizens, local and resource agencies, DHEC OCRM has determined the project applied for by Point Farm MB, LLC, can comply with the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Department’s Critical Area Regulations and Coastal Zone Consistency certification review process. Having made this determination, DHEC’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management has issued Critical Area Permit OCRM03332. The final permit and coastal zone consistency certification is available below.
DHEC OCRM appreciates the interest, engagement, and comments received from all of our stakeholders during the environmental permitting process.
Community Engagement
Public Hearings
DHEC OCRM held public hearings to receive comments on the proposed Point Farm MB, LLC permit on September 28, 2021 and November 8, 2021. During the public hearings, DHEC OCRM staff provided a summary of the proposed activities and accepted verbal comments to be considered prior to making a final decision
Written comments were accepted through close of business on November 22, 2021.
Contact Information
- For technical information regarding the critical area permit application, please contact Sarah Reed at (843) 953-0235 or
- For information regarding the public hearings, please contact Tara Maddock at (843) 953-0885 or