Williamsburg Recycling, LLC


Williamsburg Recycling, LLC is a bio composting facility based in Williamsburg county. Williamsburg Recycling, LLC currently has a non-discharge land application permit (ND0086185) issued on March 19, 2008 and modified on April 28, 2014 and expired on September 30, 2015. The existing permit includes provisions for the receipt of sludge from approved wastewater treatment plant sources to be composted in accordance to regulation 61-9.503 and distributed and/or marketed. There is also language in the existing permit for bulk land application based on the approval of land application sites. The permittee has submitted an application for reissuance of their ND permit and the Department has drafted an ND permit in accordance to this request. The draft permit is currently on public notice as of May 4, 2021.


Williamsburg Recycling, LLC is requesting the renewal and modification of their non-discharge land application permit for the beneficial use of sludge from approved wastewater treatment plants. This draft permit proposes Williamsburg Recycling, LLC to receive a limited amount of domestic sludge from approved wastewater treatment facilities annually. The draft permit includes provisions for Williamsburg Recycling, LLC to compost the domestic sludge through class A pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction methods (as identified in Regulation 61-9.503), which they must meet to be able to distribute and market as a compost. The draft permit also includes provisions for Williamsburg Recycling, LLC to bulk land apply class A compost to 811.65 acres of approved land application sites in Williamsburg and Clarendon counties. The draft permit will include the identification of a landfill to take any compost and/or sludge that they can not beneficially use or land apply.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement is an important component of the environmental permitting process that provides DHEC with valuable input from nearby communities and allows us to hear comments, concerns and questions before a final permit decision is made. The input that DHEC staff receives from community members can result in additional review, research and consideration of issues unique to a specific site or facility by DHEC staff. For communities that are impacted by a regulated facility our Community Engagement activities often continue after our formal public comment period closes. 

As part of the permitting process, DHEC engages surrounding communities and the general public prior to making a final permit decision in order to: 

  1. Provide information about proposed environmental activities in their communities; 
  2. Give community members and other interested parties an opportunity to submit relevant information to DHEC for consideration prior to making a final permit decision; and 
  3. Provide an opportunity to bring other concerns to the attention of DHEC and the applicant. 

DHEC values all comments received during the permitting process and is committed to addressing and considering all relevant information prior to making a final permit decision. Public input is an important part of the permitting process and sometimes results in changes to permit conditions and operational practices if a permit is issued. 

In-Person Public Hearing – June 23, 2021 at 2:00 pm
Virtual Public Hearing – June 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm 

DHEC’s Bureau of Water held an in-person public hearing on June 23, 2021 at 2:00 pm AND a virtual public hearing on June 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm to discuss the the reissuance of a non-discharge land application permit for Williamsburg Recycling, LLC ND0086185. Recordings of both the in-person and virtual hearings as well as the hearing presentation can be found below:

How to Submit Comments 

Written comments will also be accepted through June 25, 2021, and should be submitted to: 

Tyra N. Foulks
DHEC | Bureau of Water
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201 
Email: foulkstn@dhec.sc.gov
Phone: (803) 898-1904

What to Expect After the Public Comment Period  

Comments on the permit will be accepted by DHEC through close of business on June 25, 2021. All comments received by the end of the notice period, will be considered when making a decision to approve, disapprove, or modify the permit. Once a final decision is made by DHEC, this webpage will be updated and everyone on DHEC’s mailing list for Williamsburg Recycling, LLC will be notified. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please complete the registration form.   

Local DHEC Contacts 

To speak with local DHEC staff, please contact our Myrtle Beach Environmental Affairs Office at (843) 238‐4378.

For information on current or previous sites of public interest, visit DHEC's Environmental Sites of Interest webpage.