Central Office Staff: 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201
Email Address
Permitting Area
Jeremy Eddy | (803) 898-7609 | eddyje@dhec.sc.gov | Mining Section Manager |
Kaylin Joye | (803) 898-1367 | joyeke@dhec.sc.gov | Pee Dee Counties |
Sarah Harris | (803) 898-3887 | harrissl@dhec.sc.gov | Metal Mines and Quarries |
Wendy Hamilton | (803) 898-1368 | hamiltws@dhec.sc.gov | Southern Coastal Counties |
Will Meservy | (803) 898-1369 | Central Coastal Counties and Midlands Area | |
Katelyn Mills | (803) 898-1375 | millske@dhec.sc.gov | Western Counties |
Colby Myers | (803) 898-3079 | myerscg@dhec.sc.gov | Upstate Counties |
Catherine Sawyer | (803) 898-0975 | sawyerca@dhec.sc.gov | Program Coordinator |
Regional Inspectors:
Email Address
Office Address
Gigi Markyna | (803) 641-7670 | markyngg@dhec.sc.gov |
206 Beaufort Street NE |
Nadine Mooers |
(843) 846-1030 |
104 Parker Drive |
Margaret Sarvis-Colburn |
1362 McMillan Avenue #300 |
Caylie McCarthy | (843) 438-3496 | mccartcm@dhec.sc.gov |
927 Shine Avenue |
Contact Us:
For mining assistance, call (803) 898-0975 or email AskMines@dhec.sc.gov.