- The organizations included here offer a variety of services related to the assessment, removal, and disposal of materials and wastes, within the State of South Carolina (SC).
- The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided here and does not recommend or endorse any firm, product, or service.
- For a more current and complete list of certified environmental laboratories, refer to the Commercial Environmental Laboratory Mapping (CELMapp) application maintained by the Office of Environmental Laboratory Certification (ELM).
- For a more current and complete list of solid waste disposal facilities, refer to the Active and Post-Closure Site Directory maintained by the Bureau of Land and Waste Management (BLWM).
- For a list of contractors specializing in septic systems, refer to the SC Onsite Wastewater (SC OSWW) application for Installers, Pumpers/Haulers, and Tank Manufacturers.
- To submit an application for the inclusion of a new firm, complete the form found here.