Construction & Demolition Debris - Resources
Here are some additional resources for your consideration.
Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) is a 501(c)(3) organization that focuses on market-based solutions that increase landfill diversion and recycling of post-consumer carpet.
Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA) promotes the environmentally sound recycling of recoverable C&D material. CDRA also offers in-depth information on commodities such as gypsum wallboard and concrete.
C&D Recycling is a bi-monthly magazine, e-newsletter and web site that provides the latest industry information and insight on best management practices, trends, equipment and more.
S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) offers information on a variety of C&D debris-related topics.
• A comprehensive clearinghouse on asbestos management, rules, regulations and requirements is available here.
• A listing of all C&D debris recyclers as well as solid waste processors that accept C&D debris in South Carolina is available here.
• A listing of all Class 2 landfills that accept C&D debris is available here.
• C&D debris project planning tools for Builders/Contractors are available here.
• The S.C. Recycling Markets Directory is available here.
Southern Waste Information Exchange (SWIX) is a free service designed to help businesses, industries and other organizations find markets for material traditionally discarded. Registered users can post both wanted and available material.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a comprehensive clearinghouse of information on the sustainable management of C&D material. Topics include source reduction, reducing material use, deconstruction, salvaging and reusing, recycling and rebuying C&D debris. Check out EPA’s new video on deconstruction to learn more about the work of Lifecycle Building Center in Atlanta.