Businesses are encouraged to conserve natural resources by reducing waste and recycling, saving energy, conserving water and improving air quality. The following partnerships with South Carolina local governments represent a spectrum of services from collection to certification. Consider these resources when establishing a waste reduction and recycling program. These partnerships enable businesses and industries to learn from others as well as receive local guidance and benefits for reducing the amount of material going to the landfill.
Local Government | Summary |
Anderson County |
Businesses can use Anderson County drop-off sites for recycling. Large amounts of recycling can be taken to the sorting facility.
Beaufort County | Beaufort County educates businesses on recycling. Businesses may participate in private curbside recycling options. In FY22 Beaufort County began a pilot OCC program for small businesses. Two Collection Centers are available for small quantities of recycling items without a decal. For information contact (843) 255-2823. |
Berkeley County |
The county will conduct Business Recycling Assessments upon request. Currently all municipal solid waste in Berkeley County is being diverted to RePower South to be sorted into recycling and solid waste. The Town of Moncks Corner has a contract with Republic Services for roll carts for all of their small businesses. In addition, businesses can use the recycling drop-off sites.
Charleston, City of |
The City of Charleston aims to improve the performance of commercial and institutional buildings and their operations through reducing energy consumption, water consumption, and waste. Businesses may use Charleston County's Business Recycling Program. Additionally, Charleston County's Commercial Food Waste Composting Program gives local businesses the opportunity to reduce their overall disposal costs and impact on the environment by contracting for collection and negotiating fees with partnered haulers to divert this material from the waste stream to Charleston County's Bees Ferry Compost Facility.
Charleston County |
Many businesses are located along existing curbside service routes and can sign up to participate in Charleston County’s Business Recycling Program by contacting Charleston County Environmental Management. Staff can help your business determine the best way to recycle based on your needs through on-site waste assessments, answering questions, making recommendations and providing educational materials. To start recycling at your business, please contact Environmental Management at (843) 720-7111. Businesses may also contact their MSW waste hauler to inquire if they provide recycling collection. Additionally, Charleston County's Commercial Food Waste Composting Program gives local businesses the opportunity to reduce their overall disposal costs and impact on the environment by contracting for collection and negotiating fees with partnered haulers to divert this material from the waste stream to Charleston County's Bees Ferry Compost Facility.
Chester County |
Small businesses in Chester County can use the recycling drop-off sites.
Clarendon County |
In Clarendon County, businesses can use the drop-off sites for materials in small quantities.
Columbia, City of |
The City of Columbia offers a commercial recycling program for businesses located within the incorporated City limits. The city offers curbside, roll cart service. Businesses can have up to four roll carts and must be on the City’s garbage service. The city collects commingled material only.
Dorchester County |
Dorchester County conducts waste audits and offers suggestions on how to improve recycling at businesses. The county also connects businesses that can use each others, waste or recycled product.
Edgefield , McCormick and Saluda Counties |
The Tri-County Solid Waste Authority offers office paper recycling and cardboard recycling with free pickup service. Aluminum cans can be taken to the drop-off sites. Contact Tri-County Solid Waste Authority at 803-275-5345 to schedule pickup service.
Georgetown County |
Georgetown County offers paper and cardboard recycling for businesses.
Greater Greenville Sanitation Commission |
Recycling is provided to all of the customers within the district at no charge. If you are a business outside the district and receive commercial garbage service, it also is free of charge. If you are outside the district and don't receive garbage service, there is a small monthly charge for receiving only recycling collection services. Bins, roll carts or recycling dumpsters are provided depending on whether you are a large or small business.
Greenville, City of |
Businesses can use unmanned recycling drop-off sites. The City also offers a biannual electronics event that City businesses can partake - Special Events | Greenville, SC - Official Website (
Greenville County |
Greenville County educates businesses on recycling.
Greenwood County |
The county accepts recyclable materials from citizens and businesses within Greenwood County. Businesses also are able to use the drop-off sites and roll carts or recycling dumpsters are sometimes provided depending on size of the business and the amount of recyclable material generated.
Hampton County |
Hampton County recycles white paper, books, magazines and cardboard from businesses.
Horry County |
The Horry County Solid Waste Authority offers office paper, cardboard and commingled recycling for businesses. In addtion, the county conducts free waste audits.
Laurens County |
Laurens County businesses can use the main landfill on 127 By Pass for paper and cardboard recycling.
Lexington County |
Lexington County currently accepts and recycles 28 commodities. For current rules and pricing, please call 803-755-3325 EXT 6.
Lyman, Town of |
Businesses in the Town of Lyman can use the recycling drop-off site.
Myrtle Beach, City of |
Businesses in the City of Myrtle Beach -- with small amounts of recyclables -- can recycle using the curbside recycling program. If a business has a large amount of material to recycle, they will be referred to the Horry County Solid Waste Authority.
Newberry County |
Newberry County businesses can use the recycling drop-off sites.
Oconee County | Businesses, industries, and institutions can deliver clean, sorted, loose - not bagged - recyclables (i.e., cardboard, glass, aluminum, metal, mixed paper, plastic jugs/jars/bottles) to the Oconee County Solid Waste Complex free of charge. The complex is on Wells Highway in Seneca and is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. |
Richland County |
In Richland County, businesses can participate in its curbside recycling program.
Rock Hill, City of |
Corrugated cardboard, paper and commingled recycling services are available for a $10.00 monthly fee with City garbage service. Corrugated cardboard or commingled recycling service is available for $60.00 a month with private garbage collection. Recycle roll carts container fees are $60.00 per container, refundable upon return.
Sumter, City of |
The City of Sumter offers free cardboard and office paper recycling to businesses that currently have the refuse service. If a business does not have the refuse service, they can recycle cardboard and office paper for a small fee.
Union County |
Union County businesses can use the recycling drop-off sites.
York County |
Private garbage haulers, municipalities and business/industry located in York County that sign an agreement form and are approved by the Public Works Director are allowed to deliver accepted recycling to the York County Material Recovery Facility at 320 Recycle Center Road in York, SC. The fee is $50 per ton. Contaminated loads will be charged a special handling fee of an additional $50/ton. For more information contact York County Solid Waste Collection & Recycling at 803-628-3181.
Contact Info
Email or call 1-800-768-7348.