The Drinking Water and Recreational Waters Compliance Section performs sanitary surveys and provides technical assistance to drinking water facilities throughout the State. The Section's goal is to help systems remain in compliance with the State Primary Drinking Water Regulations. This is accomplished by providing regulation information, educating systems on new and upcoming regulations, and offering on-site technical assistance.
Laws and Regulations
Sanitary Surveys
A main tool of the Drinking Water Protection Division is the sanitary survey. Sanitary surveys are performed on all public water systems every one to five years depending on system classification. Based on survey results, the system is rated Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory.
- Sample Groundwater DBP Monitoring Plan
- Surface Water System Monthly Operation Report
- Desktop Evaluation Short Form for Small and Medium Public Water Systems, Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment (OCCT) Recommendation
- Controlled Fluoridation Monthly Report
If you would like any of these forms in Word format or Excel format please contact Richard Welch.
Guidance Documents
- Operator Certification Requirements
- Boil Water Notices and Advisories
- Filter Assessment Manual (PDF-1.1MB)
- Guidelines for High Rate Filtration Study (PDF-22KB)
- Inspection and Cleaning of Storage Tanks (PDF-8KB)
- American Water Works Association
- EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water
- South Carolina Rural Water Association
- Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project
- Richard Welch, Jr. P.E. , Manager, Drinking Water & Recreational Waters Compliance, (803) 898-3546
- Wendi Smith, Manager, Drinking Water Compliance Monitoring, (803) 898-2382
- Local DHEC Regional Offices
- 24-HOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT: (888) 481-0125