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James Island Town Hall
1122 Dills Bluff Road
Charleston, SC 29412
Event Details
DHEC OCRM will hold an in-person public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Blanchard Family Bridge Critical Area Permit Application on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:00pm. The public hearing will be held at the James Island Town Hall located at 1122 Dills Bluff Road, Charleston, SC 29412.
During the public hearing, DHEC OCRM staff will provide a brief summary of the proposed application and accept verbal comments to be considered prior to making a final decision. DHEC OCRM staff does not respond to comments or answer questions during a public hearing. A recording of the public hearing and all materials discussed will be posted on this webpage.
Written comments will be accepted through close of business (5:00 pm) on May 1, 2023. Comments, along with any other documentation, photos, etc., can be submitted via the project’s public notice announcement. You can also submit written comments by e-mail at or they can be mailed directly to Sarah Reed, Critical Area Project Manager, at 1362 McMillan Avenue, Suite 400, North Charleston, SC 29405. All comments received by the end of the comment period will be considered when making a decision to approve, deny or modify the permit. This decision will be based upon consideration of applicable regulations, the permit application, comments made at the public hearing and all other written comments received within the required time frame, and any other pertinent information.