Training - HIV, AIDS, STIs

HIV Prevention Training

Capacity building works to improve the performance and quality of HIV prevention initiatives by increasing the knowledge and skills to implement and sustain science-based, culturally appropriate HIV prevention interventions and strategies. Capacity building assistance (CBA) comes in many forms including training, resource sharing, technical assistance, and professional consultation.


Training is a major component of capacity building and the STD/HIV Division is committed to providing quality training opportunities for our staff, grantees, contractors, and others who provide STD/HIV services to the citizens of South Carolina. Authorized national, state and local technical assistance providers and DHEC staff provide training designed to provide service providers with the necessary skills to deliver services in test decision counseling, behavioral-based prevention interventions, clinic-based activities, and other areas of prevention, care, and supportive services.

It is important that all training participants read and agree to the Participant Guidelines and Expectations.

You can register for courses using the links provided in the training calendar below. You can also visit our training page on Eventbrite (SC DHEC Division of STD/HIV & Viral Hepatitis). To register to hands-on courses, please e-mail .

To perform HIV testing you must complete the following trainings: HIV 101, STD 101, SC STD/HIV Laws, HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings, Rapid HIV Testing (Hands On). You must complete HIV 101, STD 101, SC STD/HIV Laws, and HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings and/or Motivational Interviewing before you attend Rapid HIV Testing (Hands On) training.

To perform HCV testing you must complete the following trainings: HIV 101, STD 101, SC STD/HIV Laws, Understanding Viral Hepatitis, Rapid HCV Testing (Hands On). You must complete HIV 101, STD 101, SC STD/HIV Laws, and Understanding Viral Hepatitis before you attend Rapid HCV Testing (Hands On) training.

There are prerequisite courses that you must complete before taking courses such as SC STD/HIV Laws, HIV Testing and Non-Clinical Settings, etc. Before you enroll into SC STD/HIV Laws you must take STI 101 and HIV 101. Before enrolling into HIV Testing in Non-clinical settings, you must complete STI 101, HIV 101, and SC HIV/STD Laws. You must complete HIV 101, STD 101, SC STD/HIV Laws, and HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings and/or Motivational Interviewing before you attend Rapid HIV Testing (Hands On) training.

HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings and Motivational Interviewing are offered through our CBA (Capacity Building Assistance) provider. These courses are NOT a DHEC-led training. These trainings are facilitated by an outside agency. DHEC simply offers the trainings to partner agencies. Since these courses are offered through an outside agency, we cannot control how often we offer these courses. Therefore, it is important to take all prerequisite courses first and be ready once registration is announced. Please continue to check the training calendar for updates. *Note: These are two different training courses.

If you would like to receive e-mail notification about courses offered through our CBA providers (Motivational Interviewing/ HIV Testing in Non-clinical Settings), please contact and request to be added to the e-mail list.

It is recommended that you take the prerequisite courses (HIV 101, STIs 101, SC HIV/STD Laws, and Understanding Viral Hepatitis) at least once every 3 years. We require our sub-recipients to complete refresher training every three years. In addition, when participants complete the course HIV and HCV testing courses, they must complete an initial, 6-month, and 12-month assessment.

Training is open to DHEC staff, DHEC-funded contractors/grantees, health service organizations, AIDS service organizations, alcohol and other drug (AOD) prevention and treatment programs, and community health centers unless otherwise indicated. Priority for training slots will be given to DHEC- funded contractors/grantees and health department staff.


HIV & STD Training Events HIV & STDs