Pursuant to State Regulation 61-81, the "Application for Environmental Certification" should be completed by environmental laboratories applying for certification according to State Regulation 61-81. Laboratories seeking initial certification or the addition of parameters to their current certification must submit an application along with the documentation in the checklists below. Depending on the type of methods for which the laboratory is seeking certification, additional documentation is required.
Laboratories located outside the State of South Carolina that want to apply to change their primary certifying authority must submit an application along with the documentation required below. If additional documentation for specific parameters is required, this may be requested during the application process.
What to Include With Your Application for Initial or Additional Parameter Certification
- A completed, dated, and signed application for certification (see page 34 of application for instructions).
- An application fee of $125.00. Checks should be made payable to "S.C. DHEC." For credit card payments, include a request for an invoice with your application submittal.
- A letter designating a laboratory director with the proprietor's signature. As stated in Regulation 61-81 C.(12) "Laboratory Director" means that person who has been given the responsibility by the laboratory's governing body (owners, directors, commissioners, councilmen, mayor, board members or who so ever occupies the status of proprietor) of supervising the operations of the laboratory and insuring the quality of data reported. A sample form is available.
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for each method and procedure used in the laboratory. Include "Effective Date" and "Revision Number."
- Quality Assurance Manual: Include "Effective Date" and "Revision Number."
- Qualifications for each employee/analyst along with their responsibilities.
- Acceptable Proficiency Testing (PT) sample results for each method and analyte requested must have been performed within the last 12 months. PT samples must be obtained from an approved PT provider and be part of a scheduled Water Pollution (WP) or Water Supply (WS) study. The PT report must be submitted to our office by the PT provider and must include the EPA Lab Code used for reporting PT results. To obtain an EPA Lab Code, refer to our PT Requirements.
- For laboratories located outside the State of South Carolina, a copy of the certificate(s) and pertinent analyte list(s) issued to the laboratory by the state certifying authority indicating certified parameters. The last on-site evaluation report(s) issued to the laboratory by the certifying authorities and the laboratory's response to any noted deviations. This report must include the evaluation of each method requested.