ReConnect Us – HIV and STI

 What is ReConnect Us?

ReConnect Us: A Prison Initiative is a collaboration between the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC), and Prisma Health that supports HIV viral suppression among previously incarcerated individuals diagnosed with HIV re-entering the community.

Research has shown that two-thirds of people released from prison and living with HIV (PWH) experience interrupted care (MMWR, 2016). Effective linkage to care between corrections and community services is essential to ensure viral suppression and retention in care.

Diagram depicting the SC agencise in charge of viral suppression within the inmate community

ReConnect Us Goals and Objectives

  • Identify incarcerated individuals diagnosed with HIV and assist with monitoring their HIV care status and care management pre- and post-release
  • Enhance pre- and post-release planning for incarcerated persons living with HIV to strengthen and coordinate medical, behavioral health, and social services
  • Provide partner services and testing to identify partners and associates in need of HIV & STI treatment or prevention services
Four puzzle pieces in a circular diagram depicting the consistency needed for viral suppression within the incarcerated community.

Why ReConnect Us?

  1. Links individuals to medical care
  2. Fosters a support system
  3. Provides care package with toiletries, gift cards, and a safe sex kit
  4. Connects individuals to peer support advocates
  5. Makes referrals for transportation, food, and housing assistance services
  6. Supports individuals to achieve and maintain viral suppression

For more information about ReConnect Us:  A Prison Initiative please contact Dr. Lashonda J. Williams, Data & Evaluation Program coordinator at (803) 898-7075 or  



Prisma health, scdc, and dhec logos
