United States Department of Energy – Savannah River Site (SRS)
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC
Bureau of Air Quality
Air Permit Number: 0080-0041
SRS is permitted to process and store nuclear materials in support of the national defense and U.S. nuclear non-proliferation efforts. The site also develops and deploys technologies to treat nuclear and hazardous wastes left from the Cold War. Air emissions from the facility must comply with state and federal air quality regulations, as documented in the Title V Operating Air Permit below.
- Renewed Title V Air Operating Permit
- Renewed Title V Air Operating Permit Statement of Basis
- Renewed Title V Air Operating Permit Renewal Application
Air Permit Number: 0080-0041-C4
The mission of the Surplus Plutonium Disposition (SPD) Project is to expedite removal of plutonium from the State of South Carolina by dispositioning surplus weapons-grade plutonium via the Dilute and Dispose approach. To reduce the attractiveness level and the required safeguards and security measures, the plutonium will be diluted with an adulterant prior to disposition at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
- SPD Air Construction Permit C4
- SPD Air Construction Permit C4 Statement of Basis
- SPD Air Construction Permit C4 Application
Air Permit Number: 0080-0041-C5
The mission of the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) is to vitrify High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) by mixing HLW with silica sand, melting the mixture, and pouring the glass mixture into stainless steel canisters. The current DWPF Chemical Process Cell (CPC) operation uses nitric acid to neutralize HLW, which results in the destruction of hydroxides and carbonates. This is followed by the addition of formic acid to reduce mercury into elemental mercury, allowing the metal to be steam stripped out of the feed stream before entering the Melter. This project proposes to switch from formic acid to glycolic acid. The glycolic acid should be more effective at reducing mercury while minimizing hydrogen gas generation.
- DWPF Air Construction Permit C4
- DWPF Air Construction Permit C4 Statement of Basis
- DWPF Air Construction Permit C4 Application
For additional information contact Bob Mahoney, P.E., at mahonerk@dhec.sc.gov or (803) 898-3823.