A site check involves sampling soil, groundwater, or a combination of both, from an area where a release may have occurred. When the Division suspects that a release may have occurred from any portion of a UST system, a site check will be required. Releases most often occur from dispensers or spill buckets. If a request has been made to perform a site check, collect the appropriate sample using the approved sampling techniques found in the Underground Storage Tank Assessment Guidelines (pdf) and Analytical Methodology for Groundwater and Soil Assessment Guidelines (pdf) . Be sure to dispose of any contaminated soil or water properly. Once the sample is taken, and sent to a certified lab for analysis, results should be submitted to the Division.
If collecting a sample from the suspected release is not physically possible, please contact the Division for further guidance on where a sample can be taken.
The following information should be included in the final report:
- The UST permit number and site address
- A detailed map showing the location of the sample taken, building location, tank area, dispenser area, roads, and a north arrow
- A description of the sample taken ( i.e. diesel dispenser 2 soil sample)
- The testing method used (Method 5035/8260B, Method 3550/8270C)
- The final lab report including a chain of custody