AVX Site - Community Engagement

This webpage is no longer maintained. It may be useful as background information or to provide a historical perspective on a topic or project.  

Community Engagement is an important component of the environmental cleanup process that provides us with valuable input from nearby communities and allows us to hear concerns and questions before a final cleanup remedy is chosen.  The input that we receive from community members can result in changes to DHEC’s preferred cleanup alternative and always results in a better overall cleanup plan. For communities that are impacted by a regulated facility our Community Engagement activities often continue after our formal public comment period closes. 

As part of the environmental cleanup process, DHEC engages surrounding communities and the general public prior to selecting a final cleanup remedy in order to: 

  1. Provide information about proposed environmental activities in communities; 
  2. Give community members and other interested parties an opportunity to bring relevant information to DHEC to consider; and 
  3. Provide an opportunity to bring other concerns to the attention of DHEC. 

DHEC values all comments received and is committed to addressing and considering all relevant information prior to selecting a final cleanup remedy. 

Public Meeting – April 15, 2021 

DHEC’s Bureau of Land and Waste Management held a virtual public meeting on April 15, 2021 to discuss the AVX site and ongoing soil and groundwater cleanup in an informal setting. DHEC staff provided a presentation on the cleanup alternatives considered for Operable Unit 1, listened to comments, and answered questions. The DHEC Presentation and a recording of the meeting are available below:

How to Submit Comments 

Written comments will be accepted through May 15, 2021, and should be submitted to: 

Carol Crooks, Project Manager 
2600 Bull Street 
Columbia, SC 29201 
Phone: (803) 898-0810 
Email: crookscl@dhec.sc.gov

What to Expect After the Public Comment Period  

Comments on the alternatives considered for cleanup will be accepted by DHEC through close of business on May 15, 2021. Once the comment period closes, DHEC will review and consider all comments received prior to selecting a final cleanup alternative.  DHEC may modify its preferred alternative or select a different alternative based on new information or public comments. Once a final cleanup alternative for Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) is selected by DHEC, this webpage will be updated and everyone on DHEC’s mailing list for the AVX site will be notified. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please complete the registration form.