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South Carolina's NPDES Stormwater Program requires that anyone engaged in clearing, grading, and/or excavating activities that disturb between 1.0 acres and 2.0 acres, including smaller sites in a Larger Common Plan of development or sale, to obtain coverage under the state's Construction General Permit (CGP) prior to beginning any land disturbing activities.
All construction activities disturbing 1 to 2 acres shall submit a simplified stormwater management and sediment control plan meeting the requirements of R.72-300.
Because the project is greater than one acre, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required. This SWPPP is a simplified version based on the 1-2 Acre SWPPP Template . Unless the project is in the Coastal Zone and within 0.5 mile from a coastal receiving water, the simplified SWPPP is not required to be completed by a qualified individual specified in the NPDES Construction General Permit.
Coastal County Projects
Non-Coastal County Projects
Requirements for Projects Outside the Coastal Area from 1.0 to 2.0 disturbed acres.
For Projects located within an MS4 jurisdiction, the construction site plan and SWPPP document reviewed for compliance by the MS4 does not need to be submitted to DHEC in order to issue the permit coverage approval. All that is required is the completed NOI, $125 Fee, and approval letter from the MS4.
Coastal Counties Only: Projects located within one of the eight coastal counties require a Coastal Zone Consistency determination from DHEC's Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (DHEC-OCRM).
A Coastal Zone Consistency submittal package must be submitted with requests for permit coverage for review by DHEC-OCRM. Contact DHEC-OCRM regarding submittal requirements.
Construction Activities
Information and Requirements on land disturbing activities for construction activities.
Less Than 1 Acre
Information and Requirements on land disturbing activities that disturb less than 1 Acre.
Greater Than 2 Acres
Information and Requirements on land disturbing activities that disturb more than 2.0 Acres.