Smoke from wildfires can irritate the eyes and respiratory system, as well as aggravate or exacerbate chronic heart and lung diseases. Health and visibility impacts from the smoke could be experienced in all regions of the state. DHEC recommends individuals with respiratory health issues limit time spent outdoors to avoid the smoke. Keep windows and doors closed. If running an air conditioner, keep the fresh-air intake closed and the filter clean to prevent outdoor smoke from getting inside.
General Information on Wildfires and Health
- Wildfires and Your Safety (CDC)
- Forest Fires and Respiratory Health Fact Sheet (American Lung Association)
- How Smoke From Fires Can Affect Your Health (AirNow)
- Particulate Matter (EPA)
- Steps to take before, during, and after a wildfire (S.C. EMD)
- Dioxin Information (EPA)
How Wildfires Affect the Health of Children
- Environmental Hazards for Children in the Aftermath of Wildfires (Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units and the American Academy of Pediatrics)
- Health Risks of Wildfires for Children: Acute Phase (Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units and the American Academy of Pediatrics)
Protecting Your Pets in a Disaster
- American Veterinary Medical Association Disaster Preparedness (American Veterinary Medicine Association)
- AVMA Emergency Preparedness and Response Guide (American Veterinary Medical Association)
- Disaster Preparedness Resources - Barn Fires (The Humane Society of the United States)
- Protect Your Pets in An Emergency (CDC)
For Kids
- Be Informed About Wildfires (FEMA)
- Only You — Learning about Wildfires (Smokey Bear)
For Firefighters and Other Emergency Responders
- SC Wildfire Statistics (S.C. Forestry Commission)
- Especially for Emergency Responders (National Library of Medicine)
- Wildland Fire Chemicals (U.S. Forest Service)
Cleaning Up After a Disaster
- Residential Air Cleaning Devices: A Summary of Available Information (EPA)
- Cleanup Safely after a Disaster (CDC)
- Recovering from Disaster (FEMA)
- Safe Cleanup of Fire Ash (California EPA)
- Wildland Fire Chemical Clean-Up (USDA Forest Service)
How Open Burning Can Lead to Wildfires
- Fire and Open Burning Information (S.C. Forestry Commission)
- Open Burning (DHEC)